Intuit Plc – Cardinal Place, Victoria

Completion was achieved last week on the CAT B Fit Out of 38,000 sq/ft of office space at Cardinal Place, Victoria for Intuit Plc following a 12 week construction fit out programme by main contractors OD Group The project has been really interesting to work on and a pleasure to have been a part of from start to […]
LABS House, Holborn Campus

Our project at LABS House, Holborn Campus is nearing completion. The building is LABS flagship site and the latest addition to the LABS family. This grand and imposing building is designed for maximising businesses of any size with ten floors of co-working office space complete with restaurant, bar, lounges, gym and also breathtaking views over […]
Waitrose Evesham

Paul Earl Limited are pleased to announce the contract award from UC Build of all electrical installation works relating to the fit out of the new Waitrose and Partners store at Evesham, Worcestershire. The employers agent and cost managers for the project are Underwood Carpenter. The project starts on site in October and the store is due to open […]
34 – 38 Provost Street, Hoxton

We are really pleased to announce the contract award from Thirdway Contracts of the extension and re-development of 34 – 38 Provost Street, Hoxton. Paul Earl Limited have been contracted to design and install all electrical and associated services relating to the CAT A+ Fit Out of all 7 Levels including Basement. The architects for the project […]
IALS Transformation Project

Paul Earl Limited are pleased to announce the contract award from Overbury of all electrical and associated services relating to the fit out and refurbishment of four floors of the University of London IALS Building at Russell Square. The project includes the re-design of the library entrance, library, reading rooms, group study and training rooms, introduction of library research […]
10 – 12 Alie Street, London, E1

We are pleased to advise our start on site and contract award from Area of the extension and re-development of Michael’s House, 10 – 12 Alie Street, London E1. Paul Earl Limited have been contracted to install all electrical and associated services relating to the CAT A Fit Out of all 8 Levels including Roof Terrace . […]
Cardinal Place, Victoria

Paul Earl Limited are really pleased to announce the contract award from OD Group of all electrical and associated services relating to the CAT B Fit Out of 38,000 sq ft of office space at the landmark Land Securities Building, Cardinal Place in Victoria. The building services consultants for the project are Long and Partners and the client / end user for this […]
Next, Plymouth

Paul Earl Ltd are pleased to advise the contract award from main contractor RTS Construction Group of all electrical installation works relating to the fit out of the new Next 75,000 sq ft Fashion and Home Store at Marsh Mills Retail Park in Plymouth The Marsh Mills store will be our fifth project of this size and type […]
Paul Earl Limited-New London Office

Our London office at 23 Austin Friars opened on Friday 15th June 2018. Following a large number of recent contract awards in the capital we decided that to ensure the very best service to our clients, our projects and our future contracts, a solid base in the city would be required as part of our […]
Boxpark, Wembley

Paul Earl Limited are pleased to announce the contract award from main contractor RG Group of all electrical installation works relating to the shell and fit out of the new Boxpark social dining and shopping destination at Wembley Park. The architects and building services design team for the project are BDP and the project managers are Stace LLP. The project is currently […]